Soldering Iron Tip Forward FW-BE01 Blue Engineer
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SKU: ECS076629

Soldering Iron Tip Forward FW-BE01 Blue Engineer

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tutti strumenti , attrezzi ,non cambio reso all tools, tools, no return exchange (注意!工具类商品售后不退换) Soldering Iron Tip Forward FW-BE01 Blue EngineerSoldering Iron Tip Forward FW-BE01 Blue EngineerThe Forward FW-BE01 Blue Engineer Soldering Station is an essential tool for electronics and repair professionals,offering superior performance and precision. Operating at a voltage of 220V, it provides an output voltage range of 12V to 16V AC with a power of 80W.The adjustable temperature range varies from 200 to 450 degrees C, with a constant temperature accuracy of +/-3 degrees C,ensuring precise results with every use. With an earth resistance of under 2 ohms, the station guarantees safety during delicate operations.Weighing 2kg and featuring compact dimensions of 155x145x120mm, it is easy to integrate into any workspace.The Forward FW-BE01 soldering iron is ideal for various applications, providing optimal temperature control and high reliability.Specifications: - Voltage: 220V- Output Voltage: AC12~16V- Power Dissipated: 80W- Temperature Range: 200-450 degrees C- Constant Temperature Accuracy: +/-3 degrees C- Earth Resistance: <2 ohms- Product Weight: 2kg- Product Dimensions: 155x145x120mm
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