Oppo Reno 5 F / 5 Lite / F19 Pro  / A94 4G Touch + Lcd + Frame Service Pack
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SKU: ECS073603

Oppo Reno 5 F / 5 Lite / F19 Pro / A94 4G Touch + Lcd + Frame Service Pack

Availability: In stock
€67,00 €60,00

Oppo Reno 5 F / 5 Lite / F19 Pro  / A94 4G 4906763 / 4908793Touch+Lcd+Frame Black Service Packservice pack no return exchangeservice pack no cambio reso å”®åŽäº§å“ä¸èƒ½é€€æ¢If there is a problem with the fingerprint after the display has been replaced, it must be recalibrated via the service menu *#899# with "Aftersales Code Fingerprint": 6776. Se si verifica un problema con l'impronta digitale dopo la sostituzione del display, è necessario ricalibrarlo tramite il menu di servizio *#899# con "Aftersales Code Fingerprint": 6776.
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