Gel Pen Xiaomi 10-Pack Red BHR8863GL In Blister
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SKU: ECS080907

Gel Pen Xiaomi 10-Pack Red BHR8863GL In Blister

Availability: In stock

tutti accessori non c'è la garanzia non cambio reso all branded accessories no guarantee, we do not exchange/return (注意!品牌外配无售后,不退换) Gel Pen Xiaomi - Red10-Pack BHR8863GL4x larger capacity compared to a regular pen, writes more smoothly.It can write up to 1600 linear meters or 180,000 characters.MiKuni ink from JapanVivid, solid colors and smooth, uninterrupted writing.Quick-drying and stain-resistantPigmented and carefully formulated ink ensures a cleaner paper while writing, preventing stains.Textured casing design for a comfortable gripWrite for longer periods without fatigue. Weighs only 8.5 g.A unique purchase to meet your long-term study and office needs. 
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