Lithium Button Cell Varta, V395 / SR57
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SKU: ECS071309

Lithium Button Cell Varta, V395 / SR57

Availability: In stock

tutti accessori non c'è la garanzia non cambio reso all branded accessories no guarantee, we do not exchange/return (注意!品牌外配无售后,不退换) Varta Silver Coin V395/SR57 Button cell,SR926 Silver Oxide 38 mAh 1.55VThe VARTA Silver Coin cells are well known as watch batteries.The wide variety of battery sizes delivering reliable, long-lasting energy and meeting highest quality and performance demands.Constant energy supply, withstands shock, vibration and acceleration,the cells are mercury-free and suitable for a broad scope of watches, toys, calculators, remote controls and other small electronic devices.Specifications: - Low self-discharge rate- Mercury-free- Reliable energy for a wide variety of digital and analog watches as well suitable for toys, calculators and remote controls- VARTA Battery Experts since 1887- Guaranteed high level performance and an extended storage time of up to 3 years
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