Electric Glue Remover OEM WL-800 In Blister
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SKU: ECS070302

Electric Glue Remover OEM WL-800 In Blister

Availability: In stock

tutti strumenti , attrezzi ,non cambio reso all tools, tools, no return exchange所有工具购买后不退换Electric Glue Remover OEM WL-800The Electric Glue Remover OEM WL-800 is a cutting-edge solution for effortlessly removing adhesives, stickers, labels, and residue from a variety of surfaces.This innovative tool is designed for professional use, making glue removal tasks quicker, easier, and more efficient.The Electric Glue Remover OEM WL-800 boasts a powerful motor and specially designed attachmentsthat effectively and efficiently remove stubborn adhesives and sticky residue from surfaces.Specifications: - Rotation speed: 5000-18000rpm- DC input: 18V- Copper necklace: 0.5-3.0 mm

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