Blueo Anti-Reflective Ultra Clear Glass iPhone 15 Plus / 16 Plus In Blister
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SKU: ECS078632 / 40642

Blueo Anti-Reflective Ultra Clear Glass iPhone 15 Plus / 16 Plus In Blister

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tutti accessori non c'è la garanzia non cambio reso all branded accessories no guarantee, we do not exchange/return (注意!品牌外配无售后,不退换) Ultra Clear AR Anti-Reflective HD Glass 增透降反射AR钢化膜 DescriptionExperience the world like never before with ULTRA CLEAR AR ANTI-REFLECTIVE HD GLASS! Eliminate distracting reflections and enhance your view with crisp, clear vision. Defy limitations and see with unrivaled clarity. Live life boldly with ULTRA CLEAR AR ANTI-REFLECTIVE HD GLASS!About this item  Anti-reflective coating tempered glass, against the bright light, make its display much higher definition!For the purpose of reduce the dazzle under the bright light, Blueo used of Carl Zeiss T coated.To improve the light transmittance over 95% also deduct the reflection to 0.8%.】
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